To educate future citizens for the global society, respecting the principles of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
Our graduates …
B enefit their society, showing leadership for improvement;
I ntegrate their own identity with their cultural heritage;
L earn life-long through inquiry, experience, and skilled use of technology;
K now and demonstrate the importance of learning others’ languages;
E mbrace ethical and culturally appropriate values;
N urture a principled, balanced, open-minded, sensitive and reflective self-image;
T hink globally, embracing an internationally-minded world view.
The mission highlights the importance of international mindedness and providing a high quality teaching and learning environment which:
- produces outstanding citizens with languages;
- encourages knowledge of the world in which we live and enhances students’ ability to operate successfully beyond school;
- promotes students’ problem-solving abilities, creativity, understanding of different cultures, and familiarity with modern technology; develops students’ initiative, self-esteem, self-discipline and social responsibility;
- establishes a healthy balance of assertiveness, competitiveness and cooperation in students in a safe physical and emotional environment.
In a workshop at the beginning of the 2008-9 academic year the schools’ philosophy was expressed in the following terms. These are ideals and reflect the striving for betterment which underlies all effort in the schools.
Our philosophy is to provide a whole person education which gives importance to the development of both the academic and social skills of pupils.
- Our students are selected from a broad ability range and every student is important for us.
- We push the capacities of children by adding as much value as possible to each child in our care.
- We work together to realize our philosophy in an atmosphere of respect, clear standards, high expectations, and team work.
- We are committed to the professional development of all our staff and to realizing their potential.
- We lead by example.